Beschreibung Viking Raiders: Time Hunters, Book 3. Join Tom on an incredible treasure hunt through time and battle history's mightiest warriors. The third book in a new time-travelling series - perfect for fans of Beast Quest. When 10-year-old Tom accidentally smashes a statue in a museum he releases Isis, a young Egyptian mummy who has been imprisoned for thousands of years. To break an ancient curse, the duo must travel back in time to find six hidden amulets - battling Gladiators, Knights, Greeks, Vikings, Pirates, and Egyptian Warriors! On their third journey, Tom and Isis set sail in the freezing cold on a Viking longboat. Will they succeed in their treasure hunt before the terrifying Vikings begin their next raid? Free collectable Gaming Cards and fascinating facts with every book!
Viking Raiders on Apple Books - Apple Books - Apple - Apple ~ Join Tom on an incredible treasure hunt through time and battle history’s mightiest warriors. The third book in a new time-travelling series – perfect for fans of Beast Quest. When ten-year-old Tom accidentally smashes a statue in a museum he releases Isis, a young Egyptian mummy who has…
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Viking raiders. 3 (Book, 2013) [WorldCat] ~ London : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2013. Series: Time hunters, 3. Edition/Format: Print book: Fiction : Juvenile audience : EnglishView all editions and formats: Summary: "On his third journey, Tom sets sail in the freezing cold on a Viking longboat. Will he succeed in his treasure hunt before the terrifying Vikings begin their new raid?"--Page 4 of cover. Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with .
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