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    Beau Geste

    Beschreibung Beau Geste. A shot rang out. The Arabs surged forward under a savage fusillade of heavy fire. Nearer and nearer they came, shouting with hate and blood-lust. Geste rushed up and down his side of the roof, pausing only long enough to load his rifle and fire into the shrieking mob below, hoping to trick the Arabs into believing the fort was heavily manned. Load, aim, and fire, ignoring the cries and curses of the wounded, the dead sprawled out in their own blood. Of all those hard-bitten veterans who had yelled their defiance at the first Arab onslaught, who had shouted with joy at the order of "Aux Armes!", only 10 remained, 10 legionnaires against a thousand Arabs. Beau Geste is the world-famous novel of suspense and adventure, love and glory, courage, and treachery. It is the thrilling story of three men who braved the hellish brutality and ruthless savagery of the French Foreign Legion to protect the honor of a woman they loved more than their lives.

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    BEAU GESTE - Project Gutenberg Australia ~ Title: Beau Geste Author: Percival Christopher Wren * A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook * eBook No.: 0600231h.html Edition: 1 Language: English Character set encoding: HTML--Latin-1(ISO-8859-1)--8 bit Date first posted: March 2006 Date most recently updated: March 2006 This eBook was produced by: Don Lainson dlainson@sympatico.ca Project Gutenberg of Australia eBooks are created from .

    Beau Geste – Wikipedia ~ Beau Geste (französisch für Schöne Geste) ist der Originaltitel folgender Werke: . Drei Brüder (Roman), Roman von Percival Christopher Wren aus dem Jahr 1924 Blutsbrüderschaft (1926), Romanverfilmung von Herbert Brenon Drei Fremdenlegionäre (1939), Romanverfilmung von William A. Wellman Drei Fremdenlegionäre (1966), Romanverfilmung von Douglas Heyes

    Beau Geste (Beau Geste #1) by P.C. Wren - Goodreads ~ Beau Geste is undeniably my favourite novel: it has mystery, action, adventure, a little romance, and a wealth of eminently likeable characters. It's a 'Foreign Legion Story' (the first, and arguably the best, in fact); so there's a lot of content relating to the habits and general exploits of the French Foreign Legion in North Africa.

    Beau Geste - Kindle edition by Wren, Percival Christopher ~ Beau Geste - Kindle edition by Wren, Percival Christopher. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Beau Geste.

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    Drei Fremdenlegionäre (1939) – Wikipedia ~ Drei Fremdenlegionäre (Originaltitel: Beau Geste) ist ein US-amerikanischer Abenteuerfilm von William A. Wellman aus dem Jahr 1939. Das Drehbuch basiert auf dem Roman Drei Brüder (Beau Geste) von Percival Christopher Wren.Der Film ist eine Neuverfilmung der Stummfilmversion von 1926 und zog zwei weitere Verfilmungen (1966 und 1977) nach sich.

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    Beau Geste: : Percival Christopher Wren ~ Beau Geste / Percival Christopher Wren / ISBN: 9780899681351 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Beau Geste - Kindle edition by Wren, P.C.. Literature ~ Beau Geste is a 1924 adventure novel by P. C. Wren. It has been adapted for the screen several times. Michael "Beau" Geste is the protagonist. The main narrator (among others), by contrast, is his younger brother John. The three Geste brothers are a metaphor for the British upper class values of a time gone by, and "the decent thing to do" is .

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