Beschreibung Deceitful Circle: The Witches Circle Book 2 (English Edition). Having recently decided to join Night’s Hollow, Emerson is disheartened to discover just how much training she still needs in order to catch up to the other witches. But when an impromptu road trip exposes her new coven to a pack of werewolves, Emerson’s unusual abilities may be the only thing that can save them. As the coven prepares for battle, a mysterious new student shows up in town and sets his sights on Emerson. With danger surrounding her on all sides, Emerson continues to hunt for the truth about her mother’s death. But some truths are better left buried…Deceitful Circle is the second book in the young adult urban fantasy series, The Witches Circle. Don’t miss the first book in the series, Silent Circle.
Deceitful Circle: The Witches Circle Book 2 (English ~ Deceitful Circle: The Witches Circle Book 2 (English Edition) eBook: Larsen, C., Larsen, Cassandra: : Kindle-Shop
Wild Magic (Clearwater Witches Book 2) (English Edition ~ Wild Magic (Clearwater Witches Book 2) (English Edition) eBook: Freeman, Madeline: : Kindle-Shop
The Circle Summary / GradeSaver ~ Book 1 Part 2 (pp. 84-146) Book 1 Part 3 (pp. 146-192) Book 1 Part 4 (pp. 192-309) Book 2 Part 1 (pp. 309-385) Book 2 Part 2 (pp. 385-466) Book 2 Part 3 and Book 3 (pp. 466-497) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs; Metaphors and Similes; Irony; Imagery; Eggers's Epigraph: East of Eden and The Circle ; Literary Elements; Related Links; Essay Questions .
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The Circle (2017) – Wikipedia ~ The Circle ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Thriller aus dem Jahr 2017.Der Film basiert auf dem dystopischen Roman Der Circle (Originaltitel The Circle) von Dave Eggers aus dem Jahr 2013, der von einer nahen Zukunft erzählt, in der ein riesiger Konzern die Dienstleistungen von Facebook, Google und Apple aus einer Hand anbietet und hierdurch eine große Menge an Informationen über .
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