Beschreibung GNOMEDOM: The Future Unfolds (Gnomedom Tales Book 1) (English Edition). What one wish are you gonna make when you are in face to face with that someone who can grant it to you?You are overwhelmed. You make sure you make the best wish - the wish of a lifetime. That’s what Nora felt and thought.For hundreds of years the gnomes hid themselves away from mankind — yet they didn't want to be totally forgotten. The Gnome Kingdom was once again searching for a human child they could trust with their stories and secrets.A gnome named Victor was sent out into the human world to find a child they could trust. He discovered a possible child - Nora - but he must persuade her to go with him to Gnomedom. There she must pass an age old test before being accepted. The future of the gnomes depends on Nora’s wish.But, is Nora ready to make a wish?
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