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    Hebrew Prayers Made Easier (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Hebrew Prayers Made Easier (English Edition). Need Help Sounding Out Hebrew Prayer Words?If you are a parent or teacher who wants to encourage a child in his or her Hebrew studies or your own Hebrew reading skills are rusty or non-existent, read on...You know that practice is the best way to get better at a skill like reading Hebrew prayers. But maybe it seems a little overwhelming to you or maybe you struggle to remember the letters and vowels. Jump Start Your Learning…Hebrew Prayers Made Easier encourages you to practice Hebrew reading of prayer words because it is simple bite-sized learning. Included are 35 words from the Siddur – frequent words found in the Jewish prayer book. Accelerate your learning by reviewing these words. Here’s how this ebook helps –Inside Hebrew Prayers Made EasierEach page begins with the English transliteration at the top followed by the word in Hebrew. Each word is broken down by Hebrew letters or syllables, English letter clues help guide your learning and word meanings are provided. After every five words is a review to reinforce your memory with questions about letter sounds and meanings.How to Rapidly Recognize the Alef BetLearning to automatically recognize these words by sight when reading Hebrew prayers is much easier if you also automatically recognize individual letters and vowels. So this is a great companion book for the Storybook Hebrew ebook series that offers picture and story memory hooks to help you more accurately and rapidly identify all the alef bet.Would You Like to Know More? Download now to improve your Hebrew reading skills. Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button.

    Buch Hebrew Prayers Made Easier (English Edition) PDF ePub

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