Beschreibung Children's Passover Fun Book: 68 Pages: Seder | Haggadah | Afikomen | Moses | Ten Plagues | Chametz | Matzah | Songs (English Edition). 68 Colorful Pages!! Your Kids Will Enjoy Learning About PassoverThis book for children is all about reviving the basic themes of Passover in a fun way!( Length: 68 pages and not 7 pages...) With 68 colorful pages! your kids will enjoy and remember what is Chametz, Matzah, the Ten Plagues, Ten Commandments, Four Cups, Eliyahu Hanavi, the Children of Israel Exodus from Egypt and more.. The book contains the MUST KNOW Passover Seder song for children - Ma-Nish-Tana! The four questions with Hebrew & English translation, so your kids can practice before the Seder.Entertaining Activities & PuzzlesYou will find dozens of entertaining puzzles for little ones 5-8, like a search for Chametz around the house, seeking for the Afikoman in different rooms or looking for the lost Four Cups of Wine. Inside the book, the kids will meet Dave who will show them around and add value while they do the activities. This is not a Jewish Orthodox "study book" for PassoverBut a light way to familiarize the main Jewish traditional themes of passover.It's not only games and puzzles, there are lots of information items about the main themes for the parents too. The 68 colorful images and icons will help your kids in a friendly way to be ready for the Passover Seder dinner. It's for Non Jewish Children TooThe book can be a nice and easy way for non-Jewish children and adults catch up some of the Passover story, and basic ideas. If your kids are invited to a Jewish Passover Seder dinner, then this book can help them get acquainted with the traditional "buzz-words" and the history as it is passed from generation to generation.
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