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    Secrets of Valhalla (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Secrets of Valhalla (English Edition). "Readers will clamor for more, especially those who loved Rick Riordan’s Norse-themed The Sword of Summer.” --ALA BooklistTwo friends awaken a world of myth and magic in this epic middle grade fantasy perfect for fans of Rick Riordan and Anne Ursu.It’s not every day that you find a famous weatherwoman bound by magic to a tree deep in the woods. Or discover that the weatherwoman is in fact Sunna, the Norse Goddess of the Sun, and one of the seven day guardians who keep time in order. But that’s just what happens to new friends Buzz and Mary—and it’s only the start of their adventure.Now, as the people of Earth are forced to repeat the same Saturday over and over again, Buzz and Mary must journey to collect the Runes of Valhalla and awaken the other day guardians, before vengeful god Loki can get to them first.

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