Beschreibung Heroes (Eirik Book 2) (English Edition). Heroes are not born. They rise out of love and duty.What if you have to choose? Book 2 of Eirik Trilogy continues the story of a god and a Mortal girl.Eirik wants nothing more than to show Celestia—the Witch who pulled him out of the darkness—that his feelings for her are real, but his parents expect him to avenge a wrong done to his family. To make matters worse, Celestia is moving on and is already dating another guy. Then Eirik discovers she is the key to accomplishing his goals. Caught between love and duty, Eirik will do whatever it takes, including getting up close and personal with Celestia, to get his way.Celestia is convinced she is drawn to Eirik because of the bond created by the dragon's kiss, so she pushes him away. But when he comes to her for help, she is once again thrust into his world, where things are never what they seem.From Earth to the realms of the gods, betrayal follows them and help comes from unexpected sources. But when the time comes for Eirik to choose, will he fulfill his duty or follow his heart? Everything rests on his shoulders as the wrong choice may lead to Celestia's worst fear—the rise of the Harbinger of Death.Keywords:Runes, dragons, shape-shifters, Norse mythology, gods, Fantasy, legends and mythology, New Adult, Dragon-shifters
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