Beschreibung Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales Book 1) (English Edition). Swords and Sorcery is the first book of The Faerie Tales, tales of adventures of the twelve knights of Albion, and their quest to find the Faerie Queene, to bring aid to the realms of Midguard and of Faerie. In a world with echoes of Norse mythology, Swords and Sorcery begins as Arch-mage Aldwyn Lufgren casts an ancient spell. This spell requires twelve brave knights. Swords and Sorcery tells the tale of the first of these knights, Otto and Colin. They find that things in Albion are not as they expected, and they are tested to the limits of their training and abilities. A story for lovers of epic fantasy and magical tales.(For ages 12 and up)
Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales Book 1) (English ~ Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: Tozer, Lee: : Kindle-Shop
Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales, Band 1): ~ Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales, Band 1) / Tozer, Lee / ISBN: 9780994593108 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales #1) by Lee Tozer ~ Swords and Sorcery follows the adventures of Colin and Otto as they are magically transported to Albion, a land filled with mythical beings and daemonic influences. The world of Midgard is falling under a growing darkness, and an aging wizard uses the last of his energy to send twelve newly minted knights to Albion, to petition the Faerie Queene for an explanation, and hope of relief. Since .
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: Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales Book 1 ~ Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales Book 1) - Kindle edition by Tozer, Lee. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales Book 1).
Swords and Sorcery (The Faerie Tales) (Volume 1) 1st Edition ~ Swords and Sorcery is the first in a series of tales set within a world of epic fantasy. We follow the first adventures of the knights into the Faerie realm of Albion, and start to discover some of the lore and inhabitants of that realm. A book in the tradition of fantasy tales like The Hobbit - set in a world of fabulous creatures and magic, in a story to suit both younger and older readers.
Editions of Swords and Sorcery by Lee Tozer ~ Editions for Swords and Sorcery: 0994593104 (Paperback published in 2016), (Kindle Edition published in 2016), (Kindle Edition published in 2016), (Kindl.
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SWORDS AND SORCERY â THE FAERIE TALES, BOOK ONE â Lee Tozer ~ swords and sorcery â the faerie tales, book one Swords and Sorcery begins the tale of the twelve knights of Albion, starting with Otto and Colin. Their adventures in Albion lead them to unexpected places, and test their new found knighthood.
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Sword and sorcery - Wikipedia ~ Sword and sorcery (S&S) is a subgenre of fantasy characterized by sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting and violent adventures. An element of romance is often present, as is an element of magic and the supernatural.Unlike works of high fantasy, the tales, though dramatic, focus mainly on personal battles rather than world-endangering matters.
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