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    The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other (English Edition). In a divided world, where the one who shouts the loudest often gets the most attention, a story about compromise and listening. "Standing UP!" "Lying DOWN!" What were the people to do? They decided to ask the rabbi of the town. “What are we to do?” they asked. “Shall we put the mezuzah standing up or lying down?” The townspeople have mezuzahs but cannot agree on how to put them up on their doorways. Should they place them horizontally or vertically, standing up or lying down? To end their arguing, they consult the wise rabbi of the town, who advises them to carefully read the Shema in the mezuzah to find the answer. With this lively tale, based on a twelfth-century rabbinic debate, best-selling, award-winning children's author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso helps young people discover that there is often more than one solution to a problem, and that living together and creating “home” requires cooperation and listening to one another.

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    The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other (English ~ The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other (English Edition) eBook: Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Joani Keller Rothenberg: : Kindle-Shop

    The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other: Sasso ~ The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other [Sasso, Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg, Rothenberg, Joani Keller] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other

    The Shema in the Mezuzah eBook by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso ~ The Shema in the Mezuzah Listening to Each Other. by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso. Buy the eBook. List Price $18.99 USD. Your price $13.69 USD. Add to cart Buy Now Add to Wishlist Remove from Wishlist. Or, get it for 8400 Kobo Super Points! See if you have enough points for this item. Sign in. Synopsis. Expand/Collapse Synopsis. The townspeople have mezuzahs but cannot agree on how to put them up on .

    Judaism 101: Shema ~ The Shema is one of only two prayers that are specifically commanded in Torah (the other is Birkat Ha-Mazon -- grace after meals). It is the oldest fixed daily prayer in Judaism, recited morning and night since ancient times. It consists of three biblical passages, two of which specifically say to speak of these things "when you lie down and when you rise up." This commandment is fulfilled by .

    Sandy Eisenberg Sasso - : Online Shopping for ~ The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other Jan 13, 2013. by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso , Joani Keller Rothenberg ( 15 ) $8.49. In a divided world, where the one who shouts the loudest often gets the most attention, a story about compromise and listening. "Standing UP!" "Lying DOWN!" What were the people to do? They decided to ask the rabbi of the town. “What are we to do?” they .

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