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    Islam for Children (Muslim children's library) by Ahmad Von Denffer (1999-06-12)

    Beschreibung Islam for Children (Muslim children's library) by Ahmad Von Denffer (1999-06-12).

    Buch Islam for Children (Muslim children's library) by Ahmad Von Denffer (1999-06-12) PDF ePub

    Islam for Children (Muslim Children's Library) (English ~ Islam for Children (Muslim Children's Library) (English Edition) eBook: Von Denffer, Ahmad: : Kindle-Shop

    Islam for Children Muslim children's library by Ahmad Von ~ Islam for Children Muslim children's library by Ahmad Von Denffer 1999-06-12: : Ahmad Von Denffer: Bücher

    Islam for Children (Muslim Children's Library): ~ Islam for Children (Muslim Children's Library) / Ahmad Von Denffer / ISBN: 9780860370857 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Islam for Children (Muslim Children's Library): Von ~ Ahmad Von Denffer was born in Germany in 1949. He studied Islamics and Social Anthropology at the Universty of Mainz, where he also attended additional courses in the Department of Missiology. His special interests include Christian-Muslim relations. He has made a number of contributions to scholarly journals and has several publications to his credit. He joined the Islamic Foundation as .

    Islam for Children Muslim Children's Library by Von ~ Islam for Children (Muslim Children's Library) by Von Denffer, Ahmad (2009) Paperback / Ahmad Von Denffer / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Islam for Children by Ahmad Von Denffer - Goodreads ~ This popular classic is a must for all Muslim children, parents, and teachers. It covers the lives of the Prophets, faith, prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, morals, and manners. Learning by doing is emphasized, with plenty of fun things to do for kids 6-12 years: picture puzzles, crossword puzzles, games, coloring, and crafts, making learning about Islam enjoyable and

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