Beschreibung French Legends, Tales & Fairy Stories: Exceptional Tales for Exceptional Kids (English Edition). France is full of folk-tales and fairy stories, heroic, courtly, plain and coloured. Barbara Leonie Picard, outstanding as a writer in the true Andersen tradition, has brought together and told anew a selection of these traditional stories, a distinguished addition to the Oxford "Myths and Legends" series.The book is in four parts. The immortal Roland and Oliver open the tales of the French epic heroes; courtly tales of the Middle Ages include "Aucassin and Nicolette", "Huon of Bordeaux", "Amis and Amile", and the enchanting story of "The Grey Palfrey"; in legends from the French provinces you will find, among others, "The Stones of Plouhinec" (from Brittany), "The Cliff of the Two Lovers" (from Normandy), and from Gascony the pleasantly entitled "Prince of the Seven Golden Cows"; and last come the fairy stories, which include a splendidly comic tall story, "The Miller and the Ogre", as well as the delightful "Mouse-Princess"."This can be used in story hours for the more mature of the listeners, but the age at which the tales themselves carry spontaneous appeal seems to be from fourth to seventh grade. Traditional stories are here, legends from the provinces, courtly tales of the middle ages, and epic hero tales -- and it is interesting to note how the quality of the stories, the particular regional and period flavor, differs from, for example, the collections of myths and legends from the British Isles in previous books in this series." KIRKUS REVIEW
French legends, tales and fairy stories : Picard, Barbara ~ Tales of the French epic heroes: Roland and Oliver -- Battle at Roncevalles -- Guillaume of Orange -- Raoul of Cambrai -- French courtly tales of the Middle Ages: Aucassin and Nicolette -- Huon of Bordeaux -- Amis and Amile -- Grey Palfrey -- Sir Lanval -- Werewolf -- Legends from the French provinces: Melusine -- Korrigan -- Stones of Plouhinec -- Pierre of Provence -- Cliff of the two lovers .
French Legends, Tales & Fairy Stories: Exceptional Tales ~ French Legends, Tales & Fairy Stories: Exceptional Tales for Exceptional Kids (English Edition) eBook: Picard, Barbara Leonie, Kiddell-Monroe, Joan, Beebliome Books: : Kindle-Shop
French Legends, Tales and Fairy Stories Myths & Legends ~ French Legends, Tales and Fairy Stories (Myths & Legends) / Picard, Barbara Leonie / ISBN: 9780192741028 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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French Myths & Legends 101 - Les Dames Blanches, Ankou ~ To give you a little taste of the magical world of French myths and legends, we give you four of our favorite ones: 1. Les Dames Blanches. Like beautiful trolls, these White Ladies eternally await in bridges for handsome young men who need to cross. What interests these beauties is the simple joy of dance, and a willing partner. When a young man tries to cross the bridge, they ask him to dance .
French folklore - Wikipedia ~ Fairy tales. French fairy tales are particularly known by their literary rather than their folk, oral variants. Perrault derived almost all his tales from folk sources, but rewrote them for the upper-class audience, removing rustic elements. The précieuses rewrote them even more extensively for their own interests.
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French Legends, Tales and Fairy Stories by Barbara Leonie ~ Tales of the French epic heroes, courtly tales from the middle ages, and various legends from the French province From the last stand of the knights, Roland and Oliver, through the legend of how the great stones of Britanny came into being, and on to the fairy story of the Mouse-Princess, there is something here for everyone.
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