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    Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) (English Edition). Forced into an action-packed world of vampires, werewolves, and all things mystical, Casey Blane must quickly learn of the great power she possesses as she unlocks the mysteries of her nearly four-hundred-year-old royal family’s past to save herself and her coven as the next Letorian Descendant.Casey Blane Series:Over four hundred years ago, King Davalian, The Letorian King, protected the covens from the Pandions and townspeople during the medieval times of the black plague and the witch hunts. Two very gifted sorcerers were part of his army and fought alongside him. One was a woman named Lily who not only helped him to victory but won his heart. Lily was not at all interested in King Davalian. Her love was Connell, the other gifted sorcerer.During King Davalian’s reign, Lily discovered the secret to eternal life through a series of talismans, a reborn vampire, which she tried on herself. Connell was to be next, and they were to live out their lives, each generation, with each other. Except, that night, things went horribly wrong and even though both had been blessed with eternal life their bond was never completed. Instead, in a jealous rage, King Davalian cursed Connell and forced him to an entity of being controlled by the moon and to never forget.Connell was forced into a wolf, and after King Davalian’s death, Lily became their queen. That was when a devastating prophecy of her great-granddaughter was told. Her great-granddaughter would be slaughtered by the King to the Pandions, the talismans were to be found, and it would be the demise of the Letorian Coven. The Pandions were destined to be the new ruling coven and destroy everything on its way to get there.The series begins with Lily’s great-granddaughter, Casey Blane, who has been kept hidden her entire young human life for them to try to change the prophecy until one day when she’s discovered by the Pandions. What happens next will change her life forever.

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    Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) (English ~ Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: Fahey, Jodi Ann: : Kindle-Shop

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    Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) eBook ~ Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) eBook: Jodi Ann Fahey: : Kindle Store . Skip to main content. Try Prime Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Basket. Kindle Store. Go Search Countdown to Black Friday Sale Christmas Shop Vouchers Basics Best Sellers Gift Ideas New Releases Gift Cards Customer Service Free Delivery Shopper .

    Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) by Jodi ~ Home > Books > Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) Author: Jodi Ann Fahey Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal ASIN: B01LZ0P5ZL. Casey Blane’s great-grandfather always told her to believe in the power within her, but her self-doubt always kept her from understanding what he truly meant. About the Book. Casey Blane’s great-grandfather always told her to believe in the power within her .

    Letorian Descendants: Casey Blane Series (Book One) by ~ Description: Item is in new condition. Bookseller Inventory # DS-1541071689-11. About this title: Synopsis: Forced into an action-packed world of vampires, werewolves, and all things mystical, Casey Blane must quickly learn of the great power she possesses as she unlocks the mysteries of her nearly four hundred year old royal family's past in order to save herself and her coven as the next .

    Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1) by Jodi ~ How did you know you wanted to be an author? I always loved to write. I feel writing is equivalent to being an artist and my medium of choice are words. There is such a joy in being able to create a world for others to see as you do. The art is being able to stimulate the senses using the perfect blend of words. What is your advice for aspiring authors? For my series, I developed each

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    : Letorian Descendants: Casey Blane Series (Book ~ Series: Casey Blane (Book 1) Paperback: 374 pages; Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (December 12, 2016) Language: English; ISBN-10: 1541071689; ISBN-13: 978-1541071681; Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.8 x 8 inches Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

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