Beschreibung Stories from Tagore (English Edition). Collected here are ten wonderful traditional Indian stories as told by Rabindranath Tagore. The language is rich and the narrative compelling. Tagore was one of the greatest poets of the twentieth Century, and that lyrical quality comes through in all of his work.
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Stories From Tagore English Edition - kchsc ~ Stories From Tagore English Edition Rabindranath Tagore (May 7, 1861-August 7, 1941) was a Bengali poet from India. Tagore won the 1913 Nobel Prize, based on a small amount of his translated works, and his 1912 work of poems named Gitanjali: Song Offerings. Tagore was an humanist, a teacher and this is the reason I chose to read " Stories from .
7 Short Stories by Rabindranath Tagore - HookedUpon ~ The first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, Rabindranath Tagore is not an unknown figure to anyone who has even the mildest interest in English literature. One of the well-known Rabindranath Tagore poems is Gitanjali but he is also popular for his novels, Gora and Ghaire Baire. Other than poems and novels, Tagore also wrote short stories, dance dramas, songs and essays .
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