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    Guardian of Dawn, World Whisperer Book 2 (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Guardian of Dawn, World Whisperer Book 2 (English Edition). In the second book in the World Whisperer series, Rachel Devenish Ford follows the tale of Isika growing into her destiny, even as forces from the Great Waste attempt to destroy her.Though Isika now lives happily with the Maweel, her problems seem to be following her. Apprenticing for the master potter and enjoying life with a real family occupy Isika’s days, until a call for help from her beloved stepmother forces her to choose between her new life and her old. As Isika rushes back to the Worker village in hope of rescuing her stepmother, she is thrust into a plot of deception and lies, maliciously pursued by evil forces. A journey deep into the desert will test all of her new found strength and gifting.Jabari and the other seekers follow Isika with hopes of helping, until the moment they find themselves attacked by the endless evil and malice that seeks to destroy the World Whisperer. Together they will have to find strength and belief in one another… if they ever want to make their way out of the desert and back to the land they love.

    Buch Guardian of Dawn, World Whisperer Book 2 (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Guardian of Dawn, World Whisperer Book 2 eBook: Ford ~ Guardian of Dawn, World Whisperer Book 2 eBook: Ford, Rachel Devenish: : Kindle Store

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    Guardian of Dawn (World Whisperer) (Volume 2): Devenish ~ Path of Springs continues the adventure started in World Whisperer (that's why it is called World Whisperer Book 2) And I have it on good authority book 3 is about to be released. So now is a good time to jump into the world of Isika, and the wonderful world Rae has created for us all to enjoy.

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