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    The Telling Mirror: (The Telling Mirror, Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Telling Mirror: (The Telling Mirror, Book 1) (English Edition). From her farm in South Dakota, to a war-torn world ravaged by an evil prince and his wicked mother, Sig’s adventure begins here.Signe Erickson—Sig for short—seems out of place in the world. Fostered by relatives on a farm in the middle-of-nowhere, Sig is ready to leave through any means necessary. All she needs is her trusty barn cat Reggie, who may be much more than meets the eye.When Sig said she was desperate to leave the farm, she had something far less drastic in mind. She finds herself in an alternate world bent on her untimely undoing and ravaged by war. With Reggie, who has unexpectedly become much more than a mere friendly feline, Sig must find her footing and discover her true powers. From an unsolicited marriage to an ogre, to being auctioned off to the evil Prince Reficul and imprisoned by his mother Lady Nastella, Sig and Reggie find firsthand how hostile this new world can be. Sig and Reggie must find a way to escape their imprisonment from Reficul’s mountain stronghold to join forces with a scattered band of rebels and Vikings to face off against Prince Reficul. Will they, and their new world, survive this cataclysmic battle?Fans of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series will fall in love with Signe Erickson and the Telling Mirror series.

    Buch The Telling Mirror: (The Telling Mirror, Book 1) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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