Beschreibung Child of the Kindred: The Rinefield Chronicles: Book 2 Gaelic Inspired Romantic Fantasy Adventure (English Edition). BOOK #2 IN THE AWARD WINNING ROMANTIC GAELIC INSPIRED EPIC FANTASY SAGA! "An unforgettable world of epic adventure, breathless romance, and a stirring family saga."Return to the mythical realm of Rinefield, where love, danger, adventure and romance awaits you. Their world is changing and a new era has begun. Princess Laurel finds her kingdom of Gwenlais, torn and shattered from a bloody siege. Her people now looking to her, to help them rise above the ruin and misery inflicted upon their once peaceful and sheltered realm. Laurel and her beloved Prince Caleb, must find a way to unite their kingdoms, as never before. The enemy from a distant land makes a bold and savage attempt, to thwart the unity of the two kingdoms of Gwenlais and Heathwin. The odds have never been greater against the realms or the two lovers that hold the kingdoms together. Will their people and their love survive all they have lost? Will new life rise from above the ruins?
Child of the Kindred: The Rinefield Chronicles: Book 2 ~ Child of the Kindred: The Rinefield Chronicles: Book 2 Gaelic Inspired Romantic Fantasy Adventure (English Edition) eBook: Magee, M.T., Magee, F.O.: : Kindle .
Child of the Kindred: The Rinefield Chronicles: Book 2 ~ Review By Chick Lit Cafe Dec.7, 2017 Aspectacular, rich fantasy at its best! M.T.Magee has done it again in hersecond novel in the Rienfield Chronicles, The Child of theKindred. After reading her first book in the series, The Treasureof Gwenlais, I didn't think it could get any better-but it did! In Childof the Kindred, we re-enter the magical realm of Rienfield, wherePrincess Laurel is being .
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