Beschreibung Born of Aether: An Asian Fantasy & Elemental Origins Novel (Elemental Origins Series Book 4) (English Edition). They say if you tell a lie long enough, you'll eventually believe it, but Akiko will never forget who she really is.Akiko Susumu is not what she seems. Her life as a normal teen living in a coastal Canadian town is a complete sham. The old man she lives with is not her grandfather, he's her captor. And Akiko isn't a teen. In fact, she isn't even human.But Akiko isn't allowed to share the reality of her true nature with a single soul. Not even her three best friends know of the power she could wield, given the chance.So, when she's sent back to her homeland to steal an ancient samurai sword, she jumps at the chance to secure her freedom, only to get caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the most dangerous crime syndicate in Japan.Can Akiko escape with her life and her soul, or is true freedom as elusive as the Aether she was born from?Buy Born of Aether and be lifted to a place where spirits reignBorn of Aether is the fourth book in The Elemental Origins Series (which can be read in any order) a saga which follows four best friends over 1 magical summer. If you like incredible abilities, strong female characters, and a little romance, then you'll love A.L. Knorr's YA fantasy adventure series. Thousands of copies sold, over a MILLION pages read. Readers love the supernaturals of The Elemental Origins Series."Wow! Another great novel that keeps me wanting more!"-Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"Another A.L. Knorr winner!"-Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★"A story of love, betrayal, family, and acceptance."-A Motus, Amazon Reviewer ★★★★★
: Born of Aether: An Asian Fantasy & Elemental ~ Born of Aether is the fourth book in The Elemental Origins Series (which can be read in any order) a saga which follows four best friends over 1 magical summer. If you like incredible abilities, strong female characters, and a little romance, then you'll love A.L. Knorr's YA fantasy adventure series. Thousands of copies sold, over a MILLION pages read. Readers love the supernaturals of
Born of Aether: An Asian Fantasy & Elemental Origins Novel ~ Born of Aether is the fourth book in The Elemental Origins Series (which can be read in any order) a saga which follows four best friends over 1 magical summer. If you like incredible abilities, strong female characters, and a little romance, then you'll love A.L. Knorr's YA fantasy adventure series. Thousands of copies sold, over a MILLION .
Born of Aether: An Asian Fantasy & Elemental Origins Novel ~ Buy Born of Aether and be lifted to a place where spirits reign Born of Aether is the fourth book in The Elemental Origins Series (which can be read in any order) a saga which follows four best friends over 1 magical summer. If you like incredible abilities, strong female characters, and a little romance, then you'll love A.L. Knorr's YA fantasy adventure series. Thousands of copies sold, over .
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: Customer reviews: Born of Aether: An Elemental ~ After reading Born of AEther, it's hard to pick a favorite book, because each and every one of them boasts something unique and endearing, and completely original to it. AEther is no different. It does, to me, stand out above the others, perhaps because it is Knorr's most recent book and therefore her most recently written. Everything she seems to have learned before this is now at play. Knorr .
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