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    My Fair Impostor: Allies Of The Fae Realm Fated Mates Romance (Paranormal Misfits Book 3) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung My Fair Impostor: Allies Of The Fae Realm Fated Mates Romance (Paranormal Misfits Book 3) (English Edition). It's not everyday a girl wakes up only to discover her memories have vanished.Crysta’s past is one huge question mark, but a handsome faerie prince by the name of Kheelan is more than happy to fill in the blanks. He swears Crysta is his one true love, and she’s hard-pressed to argue the point, especially since she’s trying to play catch-up to the social and political upheaval within the Fae realm while avoiding an assassin bent on her destruction, Kheelan’s very own brother, Jareth.With a magical plague attacking every race in the realm and a mad king dabbling in the Dark Arts, Crysta, her fiancé Kheelan, and her father Rodri, must face the impossible task of convincing the royals of the Unseelie Court to wage war against King Moridan before it’s too late.But Crysta’s heart and thoughts are somewhere else. Brief flashes of a faerie prince with silver hair and deep, blue eyes continually haunt her.Who is this mystery man, and why isn’t he Kheelan?This series will appeal to fans of Cassandra Clare, Helen Harper, Rachel E. Carter, and Julie Kagawa.You will also like this book if you enjoyfaerie romancesteen and young adult booksurban fantasyparanormal romancemagical creatures and magical worldswitches and warlocksswords and sorcery

    Buch My Fair Impostor: Allies Of The Fae Realm Fated Mates Romance (Paranormal Misfits Book 3) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    C. J. Anaya - ~ My Fair Impostor: Allies Of The Fae Realm Fated Mates Romance (Paranormal Misfits Book 3) (English Edition) 23.10.2017 von C.J. Anaya Kindle Ausgabe

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