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    The Flame of Battle: Dragons, Vikings, and War (Dragonriders of Skala Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Flame of Battle: Dragons, Vikings, and War (Dragonriders of Skala Book 1) (English Edition). In the flame of battle, even the innocent get burned…Dyrfinna is a born commander. She bests her peers in dragon riding, sword fighting, and battle strategy. So when the Queen calls the people of Skala to battle to revenge her murdered daughter, Dyrfinna outfits a ship and brings a crew.Once in the field, Dyrfinna leads her troops to victory in a series of hard-fought battles against overwhelming odds. Yet a commander is raised over her, and because of his clumsy leadership, a great disaster results in the massacre of a quarter of the Queen’s army. Then the commander unfairly blames a second disaster on Dyrfinna. The wrong stroke of her sword could undo everything she’s ever worked for, earn her the fury of her friends ... and exile to certain death.But you can't keep a true warrior down. When things are darkest, a flame rises out of the desolation.

    Buch The Flame of Battle: Dragons, Vikings, and War (Dragonriders of Skala Book 1) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    : The Flame of Battle: Dragons, Vikings, and War ~ The Flame of Battle: Dragons, Vikings, and War (Dragonriders of Skala Book 1) - Kindle edition by Cordell, Melinda R., Creeden, Pauline. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Flame of Battle: Dragons, Vikings, and War (Dragonriders of Skala Book 1).

    Dragonriders of Skala (4 Book Series) ~ Dragonriders of Skala (4 Book Series) von Melinda R. Cordell, Pauline Creeden. From Book 1: In the flame of battle, even the innocent get burned… Dyrfinna is a born commander. She bests her peers in dragon riding, sword fighting, and battle strategy. So when the Queen calls the people of Skala to battle to revenge her murdered daughter, Dyrfinna outfits a ship and brings a crew. Once in the .

    : A Whisper of Smoke (Dragonriders of Skala Book ~ A Whisper of Smoke (Dragonriders of Skala Book 0) - Kindle edition by Cordell, Melinda R., Creeden, Pauline. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Whisper of Smoke (Dragonriders of Skala Book 0).

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