Beschreibung Perfekt Match (The Ære Saga Book 4) (English Edition). The thrilling conclusion to S.T. Bende's bestselling urban fantasy series! "Like a summer superhero movie, this YA fantasy features dazzling adventure and a truly epic romance." -Official iBooks Review of The Ære Saga: Book 1For honor. For love. For Asgard.Valkyrie Brynn Aksel is ready for some downtime. But when an urgent warning arrives from Asgard, heralding the death of a beloved god and the dawn of Ragnarok—the not-so-mythological end of days—it becomes clear there’s no rest for the gods . . . not when future of the realms is on the line. Goddess of Love Freya Skönsten can’t shake the darkness that’s clung to her since her Helheim imprisonment. An unsanctioned romantic connection with a mortal is the only thing keeping her in the light, but Freya’s vow to the Norns prevents her from fully uniting with her perfekt match. When Hel returns to finish what she started, Freya must decide how much she’s ready to sacrifice to save the family she loves . . . and whether she’s willing to give up everything for the worlds she’s sworn to protect. With the forces of darkness aligning to destroy the realms, it’s clear more than just Love hangs in the balance. Ragnarok has arrived. And it's shaping up to be the perfekt storm.
Perfekt Match (The Ære Saga Book 4) (English Edition ~ Perfekt Match is the perfekt finale for the Aere saga, with the crew's typical epic action escalating to realms-wide Ragnarok-level war, humor to balance, and romance to tie it all up--especially when the Norse Goddess of Love is involved! As with other S.T. Bende books, the crew reminds the reader about their own life--things to appreciate and enjoy and aspire to and have AEre for--while .
Perfekt Match (The Ære Saga #4) by S.T. Bende ~ Perfekt Match is the perfekt finale for the Aere saga, with the crew's typical epic action escalating to realms-wide Ragnarok-level war, humor to balance, and romance to tie it all up--especially when the Norse Goddess of Love is involved! As with other S.T. Bende books, the crew reminds the reader about their own life--things to appreciate and enjoy and aspire to and have AEre for--while .
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