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    Raging Rival Hearts (The Lost Clan Book 4) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Raging Rival Hearts (The Lost Clan Book 4) (English Edition). The USA TODAY Bestselling faerie saga continues...Hunters are the enemy. That was what we faeries were always told.Breaking my engagement to the man I had loved my entire life was a dangerous move, one that got me expelled from the faerie isle. I’d known the risks, though. I’d known that if Cruz, Cat or my brother didn’t find a way to get me home, the fire in my veins would dwindle until it was gone, and with it my life.With mere weeks left to live, I set out on a last adventure: discover if more Daneelies had survived the massacre, the same way Catori’s ancestor had. Although I’d decided to go alone, Kajika insisted on accompanying me. I wanted to believe he was coming because he liked me. But I was still the enemy…the mute girl whom he could hear speak when no one else could…the one person who could track him when he didn’t want to be found. Discover the seductive spin-off fans of The Mortal Instruments and The Vampire Diaries are devouring.

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    Raging Rival Hearts (The Lost Clan Book 4) (English ~ Raging Rival Hearts (The Lost Clan Book 4) (English Edition) eBook: Olivia Wildenstein: : Kindle-Shop

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    Raging Rival Hearts (The Lost Clan Book 4) eBook ~ Raging Rival Hearts (The Lost Clan Book 4) Kindle Edition by Olivia Wildenstein . --This text refers to the hardcover edition. Product details. Format: Kindle Edition; File Size: 2611 KB; Print Length: 338 pages; Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited; Sold by: Services LLC Language: English; ASIN: B07FNJ9YDM; Text-to-Speech: Enabled; X-Ray: Not Enabled. Word Wise: Enabled; Enhanced .

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