Beschreibung The Protectors' Pledge: Secrets of Oscuros. Award winning title: Third place in the 2016 Burt Award for Caribbean Literature A fast-paced adventure set deep in a Caribbean forest with a hero who must risk everything to save the forest and his village. Twelve-year-old JV can't wait to spend his vacation exploring the Oscuros Forest. True, everyone in the village of Alcavere believes the Oscuros Forest is a place to be feared, inhabited by dangerous and magical beings. But JV is not afraid, even when his first trip into the forest brings him face-to-face with a mysterious creature. Then the disappearance of one of their own shakes the village and JV joins the search. He finds himself deep in the Oscuros Forest on a rescue mission and committed to a promise, a promise which the Protectors of the forest insist he keeps no matter how dangerous things get. Can JV complete his daring quest, even as he uncovers in the process a shocking secret that will force him to question everything he thought he knew?
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The Protectors' Pledge: Secrets of Oscuros: ~ The Protectors' Pledge: Secrets of Oscuros / Danielle Y. C. Mcclean / ISBN: 9780997890075 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The Protectors' Pledge: Secrets of Oscuros: McClean ~ The Protectors' Pledge: Secrets of Oscuros fit this bill perfectly. Richly imaginative, The Protectors' Pledge was a compelling read from cover to cover--so much so that my daughter begged to keep reading until we finished. McClean's lyrical prose dramatically evokes a sense of place, especially when it comes to the mysterious forest of Oscuros. The Protector's Pledge also provides a .
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The Protectors' Pledge: Secrets of Oscuros by Danielle Y ~ In McClean's debut middle-grade novel, a 12-year-old Caribbean boy must save the day when he discovers danger lurking in the forest in the first installment of the Secrets of Oscuros series. Jason "JV" Valentine lives on the Caribbean island of Alcavere with his grandmother, Granny B, the town's herbal healer. JV has always had a longing for travel and adventure and decides that during his .
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