Beschreibung Johnny cake and Henya the hen: Fiction book about animal friendship for kids with moral. (English Edition). This is a day time story about two animal friends. The tale is based on two folk fairy tales and is a perfect book for toddlers.When one of the friends got in serious trouble another one risked its own life to save his buddy.♥The tale can teach your kid the right relationship between friends and how to save their friendship for the whole life.♥The prototypes of the main characters can be found in some European cultures such as Russian and English fairy tale stories, which have been popular for centuries.What people say:An interesting plot twist with a happy ending, much better for small kids than an original tale. Cool spin on the old story! Wonderful illustrations! My 2.9 years old daughter loved it! This book is a fusion of two good old folktales.
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The Little Red Hen - Wikipedia ~ Golden Book version book cover. The Little Red Hen, illustrated by Florence White Williams. The Little Red Hen is an American fable first collected by Mary Mapes Dodge in St. Nicholas Magazine in 1874. The story is meant to teach children the importance of hard work and personal initiative. The story. A hen living on a farm finds some wheat and decides to make bread with it. She asks the other .
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