Beschreibung Men and Monsters (Nightfall Book 2) (English Edition). The stakes have risen. For fifty years, Prince Vladimir has tolerated the Resistance, but now they threaten what he holds dear. The vicious vampire will no longer hold back. A plan he has been working on for decades will finally reveal itself and entangle everyone standing on the way.For the first time after the Nightfall, the Resistance holds a true bargaining chip. For the first time, they have a chance to tip the scales of the war and ensure humanity’s survival. But Myra has made a promise, and breaking it will destroy all that is human in her. She is loyal to the Resistance, but nothing is black and white. Long-buried secrets emerge, showing her that vampires can be more honorable than humans, and humans can be more monstrous than beasts.A desperate nobleman, fighting to save a doomed culture. A reclusive poet, choosing art over immortality. A vampire, rejecting her raw nature. Past and present weave together in an action-packed tale of power games, a hopeless fight for survival, and the indestructible human need to create art.
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Nightfall Monster / TinyMonsters Wiki / Fandom ~ There are 2 stages in which Nightfall Monster will evolve. Before you can reach Level 5, you must evolve your monster from a baby to a teen. The second stage is before reaching level 8 and evolves your monster from a teen to an adult. To evolve your monster you need to place it in the Dream Room. Below is how long it takes the Nightfall Monster to evolve from each stage and the quick finish .