Beschreibung The Return to Podocia: (The Telling Mirror, Book 2) (English Edition). She left them both behind—a cat-turned-boy-turned-prince and her father, long lost. Above all else, she must return to Podocia.Sig’s back in South Dakota—back to Nowhereville. All she wants is to hunker down and get through the school year so she can make her escape to Podocia. It’s quite simple really; she needs to return to search for her father, who she last saw on the wrong end of an exploding volcano.Right as school seems to be going smoothly, Kyle, the school bully, rears his ugly head. Sure, Sig didn’t start the fight, she was just trying to watch the homecoming football game, but boy did she end it. Kicked out of the game, Sig finds herself trekking back to her uncle’s farm on foot during a thunderstorm. But a well-placed bolt of lightning has other plans for her. She finds herself hurled back into the hectic, helter skelter of Podocia in the blink of an eye,Faced with befriending an oddball who hitched a ride on that same bolt of lightning, Sig must conquer boiling lava, glacier fields, and fairies. And a stray rock giant or two might make an appearance. What amounts to a perfectly average day in Podocia. THE RETURN TO PODOCIA returns us to Sig and The Other World a few months after the events of The Telling Mirror. Will Sig find her father? Will she overcome fire, ice, and the thriving criminal underworld of Podocia? And what royal mess has Reggie gotten himself into?Fans of The Blackwell Pages series and Percy Jackson will fall in love with The Return to Podocia, the second book in The Telling Mirror series!
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