Beschreibung Europa's Fairy Book (English Edition). "Do tell us a fairy tale, ganpa.""Well, will you be good and quiet if I do?""Of course we will; we are always good when you are telling us fairy tales.""Well, here goes.—Once upon a time, though it wasn't in my time, and it wasn't in your time, and it wasn't in anybody else's time, there was a——""But that would be no time at all.""That's fairy tale time."This is a lovely little book of fairy tales from throughout Europe. The author wrote the stories by finding tales that were common among many different European countries and cultures. The stories were very approachable, and are appropriate for all ages. There are 25 stories in totaly.European Folk and Fairy Tales (also known as Europa's Fairy Book) is a collection of Folk and Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, first published in 1916, including : The Cinder-Maid The King of the Fishes Beauty and the Beast Reynard and Bruin The Dancing Water, The Singing Apple, and the Speaking Bird The Language of Animals Snowwhite Joseph Jacobs (1854 – 1916) was a folklorist, literary critic and historian.His works included contributions to the Jewish Encyclopedia, translations of European works, and critical editions of early English literature. Jacobs wrote for journals and books on the subject of folklore and produced a popular series of fairy tales.
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