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    The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1) (English Edition). #1 Amazon Bestseller A foretold prophecy. A girl with the legendary power of the Flame. An orphaned mind reader. Lurking deep in the Decayer fortress, the Thief of Hearts yearns for one thing. One thing that Arobithia, a dangerous enchantress, can bring—thirteen-year-old Janet's heart.With Egyptian riddles and scrolls, Janet pieces together the Wishner's Curse and embarks on a journey to stop the Thief of Hearts. Along with Ero, an orphaned mind reader, Janet travels through mysterious caves, battles a Vision, and finally comes face to face with the Thief of Hearts.The first book in the Wishner Prophecy Trilogy brings mystery, intrigue, and adventure in a world of enchanting Visions, brutal griffin wrestling, and Scarab amulets that are soon to replace all Wishners' Hearts.Every wrong move can cost Janet her life—or worse, her heart.Will Janet lose her heart?Will the Thief of Hearts prevail?

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    The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1 ~ The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Campbell, Camille S., McMorris, Kelley. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1).

    The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1 ~ The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: Campbell, Camille S., McMorris, Kelley: : Kindle-Shop

    The Wishner's Curse Wishner Prophecy Series, Band 1 ~ The Wishner's Curse Wishner Prophecy Series, Band 1: : Campbell, Camille S., McMorris, Kelley: Fremdsprachige Bücher

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    The Wishner's Curse (Wishner Prophecy, #1) by Camille S ~ A foretold prophecy. A girl with the legendary power of the Flame. An orphaned mind reader. The first book in the Wishner Prophecy Trilogy brings mystery, intrigue, and adventure in a world of enchanting Visions, brutal griffin wrestling, and Scarab amulets that are soon to replace all Wishners' Hearts.

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