Beschreibung Tinsey Clover. Tinsey Clover is smart. She’s brave. Also, she can’t carry a tune to save her life. Oh yeah, plus she's an elf the size of a chipmunk. When her bizarre magical power grows in and makes her feel like a total outsider in her own village, Tinsey sneaks into the forbidden forest on a journey to find someone more like her. From trolls to dragons, what she discovers along the way challenges everything, and everyone, she thought she knew.A coming of age story for early middle-grade fans of Sarah Mlynowski, Kate DiCamillo, and Chris Colfer.
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Smashwords – Tinsey Clover – a book by Chelsea Flagg ~ Tinsey Clover is smart, brave, and can’t carry a tune to save her life. When her bizarre magical power grows in and makes her feel like a total outsider in her own village, Tinsey sneaks into the forbidden forest on a journey to find someone more like her. From trolls to dragons, what she discovers along the way challenges everything, and everyone, she thought she knew.
Tinsey Clover: Flagg, Chelsea Walker: 9780996728492 ~ Tinsey Clover turns out to be more than just an elf the size of a chipmunk. She’s spunky, brave, loyal and very wise for her age. There are so many important lessons in this book and not just for children. Chelsea Flagg’s characters are believable, kind, cooperative and willing to see the big picture. This book goes beyond teaching inclusivity, courageousness, and what it means to be .
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Tinsey Clover / Gagaoverbooks ~ Tinsey Clover is smart. She’s brave. Also, she can’t carry a tune to save her life. Oh yeah, plus she’s an elf the size of a chipmunk. When her bizarre magical power grows in and makes her feel like a total outsider in her own village, Tinsey sneaks into the forbidden forest on a journey to find someone more like her. From trolls to dragons, what she discovers along the way challenges .
TINSEY CLOVER - IndieReader ~ TINSEY CLOVER follows Tinsey as she ventures out to meet the other elves and explore the forest for the first time. Nothing in the forest is what she expected, and soon the misfit elf must embark on a dangerous quest to save her people—but is she saving them from a true threat? Or from their own mistaken beliefs about life beyond their wall? Along the way, Tinsey discovers a silly superpower .
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