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    Why Did Hashem Create Me? (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Why Did Hashem Create Me? (English Edition). Do you want your child to have a positive outlook? Do you want to nurture your child’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem?Why Did Hashem Create Me? teaches every child that they are a precious gift. In our competitive world, many children grow up feeling like they’re not good enough. This beautiful book helps kids connect to their own worth and discover how special, good and loveable they are.This book provides clearly and beautifully the most important life lessons we would all want our children to learn and internalize.If you like inspiration, captivating drawings, and empowering your child’s personal growth, then you and your family will love Yechezkel Stelzer’s picture book.Stelzer’s unique, inspirational and sweet book is a must-read.Buy Why Did Hashem Create Me? today to give your child a big dose of love!

    Buch Why Did Hashem Create Me? (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Why Did Hashem Create Me?: : Yechezkel Stelzer ~ Why Did Hashem Create Me?: : Yechezkel Stelzer: Fremdsprachige Bücher. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen Bestellungen Entdecken Sie Prime Einkaufs-wagen. Bücher (Fremdsprachig) Los Suche Bestseller Geschenkideen .

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    Why Did Hashem Create Me? / MySefer ~ Hashem has created each thing that exists,From the galaxies and stars to the knuckles on your fists.So why did Hashem create you and me?

    Why Did Hashem Create Me? - Jewish Books - Feldheim Publishers ~ Why Did Hashem Create Me? Hashem has created each thing that exists, From the galaxies and stars to the knuckles on your fists. So why did Hashem create you and me?

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    Hashem: The Name - aishcom ~ It says: I admire you, I love you, Creator and Sustainer of the world and of us. It is a word that has 1000 meanings. The word *HASHEM* alone makes me love Him. It is full of tenderness. I do not know why it is so. Perhaps because I heard His most loved children call Him so. And when He is the *Makom* - the Place, then why not *Hashem*, the .

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