Beschreibung Vanished: Book 2 (Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance) (English Edition). After everything that Kara has done for Asgard, she thinks they will let her participate in the honorable jobs of the winged Valkyries. She is wrong. Instead, Odin is determined to take Elan away and make her dragon his. Whether he’s a god or not, she isn’t going to let that happen. And of course, Elan can defend herself. But then Elan disappears. After several searches, Kara grows worried. She hopes that Elan is visiting her mother, not somewhere more sinister.~~~~~Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance SeriesMarked (Prequel)ChosenVanishedScornedInflictedEmpoweredAmbushedWarnedAbductedBesiegedDeceived (Final book in this series)
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