Beschreibung Maiden Mermaid - The Tale of Sirena: A Texas Family Folktale Teaching Trust, Patience, and Decision-making (English Edition). Are mermaids created under the full moon’s light?If a catfish says so, it must be the truth!Not swimming as a humanA mermaid you will beWith a tail glowing turquoiseSplashing water playfully…Sirena didn’t take time to think through her future. She just wanted to win her heart’s desire.Maiden Mermaid - The Tale of Sirena is an old folktale with timeless lessons of being patient, trusting carefully, and making wise choices flowing just below the surface. Imaginations will soar with wonder about maiden dreams, catfish schemes, and living as a mermaid in the village streams.Children ages 6-10, as well as adults, will be captivated by this family legend. Head to to find downloadable activity sheets just for this story.Hurry to catch Sirena's tale before the next full moon!
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