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    Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1) (English Edition). ***** 2017 Literary Classics - Gold Medal Winner***** 2016 New England Book Festival - Best Children’s Book***** 2017 Readers' Favorite - Gold Medal Winner***** 2017 Feathered Quill - Bronze Winner***** 2017 Purple Dragonfly - Honorable MentionMotley Junior High: School for the Psychically and Celestially GiftedTerms of EnrollmentSigned: Ebony CharmedEbony should be excited about entering sixth grade to further develop her skills. And she would be. If only her lame abilities let her see more than three ghosts.Struggling to live up to her gifted family, Ebony is horrified when she is branded a Seeker: someone who is neither Sensory nor Luminary. To top it off, her Deadly Creatures and Relics project – transforming a measly stick – seems destined for failure.But there are doors to other worlds where creatures have been watching her. And when the truth emerges that her project is more than a stick, she knows she must act. Along with her best friend Fleishman and his pet lizard, Ebony finds herself wedged between prophecies and quests. Oh, and saving the entire spirit world from annihilation.Ebony is not ready to be a hero. But a dark presence has already stolen more than one local kid. And this time, her failure is not an option.

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    Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1) (English Edition ~ Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: S.A. Larsen: : Kindle-Shop

    Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1) - Kindle edition by ~ Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1) - Kindle edition by Larsen, S.A.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Motley Education (The Urd Saga Book 1).

    Motley Education: Larsen, S a, Hashway, Kelly, Jayde ~ Motley Education is the perfect middle grade fantasy book to capture your attention and engage your imagination as you experience Norse mythology with Ebony and Fleishman, aided by the computer gaming skills of Ebony's brother, Ethan. There is plenty that middle schoolers can relate to within the pages and S.A. Larsen treats this variety of themes with straightforward insight and gentle .

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