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    Barakah Journal: A Blessings Journal For Kids To Reflect and Express Gratitude For Their Life (Muslim Journals, Band 8)

    Beschreibung Barakah Journal: A Blessings Journal For Kids To Reflect and Express Gratitude For Their Life (Muslim Journals, Band 8). My Barakah Journal is a blessings journal for kids to focus on and express the various blessings in their lives. It will help a child to realize that they have so many blessings that they fail to see. A child can use their Barakah Journal weekly and it will cover 52 weeks to make up one year, but they can also use it daily or as often as they like. The more often they record their blessings, the more they will learn to be appreciative of the things they are blessed with in their lives. My Barakah Journal is comprised of blocks where a child can write the date and journal on: *I'm Grateful For Myself. *I'm Grateful For My Life *I'm Grateful For Others. *My Dua Of Gratitude. These areas help a child to look at each aspect of their life and be thankful for the blessings they find there. They also learn to make a supplication to their Lord to thank Him for what they have. Get a copy for your child to begin their gratitude journaling or send one as a gift to a friend, your daughter, son, grandchild, nephew, or niece and let them reap the rewards of being a more grateful person and thus earn more barakah! See more Muslim Journals on Amazon at Muslimommy Bookshop. Take a look inside and see how to use the journal at muslimjournals.com.

    Buch Barakah Journal: A Blessings Journal For Kids To Reflect and Express Gratitude For Their Life (Muslim Journals, Band 8) PDF ePub

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