Beschreibung Abducted: Book 8 (Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance) (English Edition). Kidnapped by a giant, and unable to use her magic, Kara finds herself at his mercy. She is dragged to the land of the giants and trapped within a mountain. Only the unconscious palace guards know what happened to her. While trapped, she receives a visit from Loki, who answers some of her questions, yet certain suspicions remain unquenched. Two soul-reaping armies make a trade, putting Kara in a predicament she wouldn’t have thought possible. Information Kara discovers about Loki and the zmey places Kara in an awkward position with her dragon friend Elan and the rest of the dragons. She faces the torturous decision of keeping a secret from them or telling them the truth and planting a seed of distrust that could trigger retaliation.~~~~~Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance SeriesMarked (Prequel)ChosenVanishedScornedInflictedEmpoweredAmbushedWarnedAbductedBesiegedDeceived (Final book in this series)
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: Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance: Books 1 - 5 ~ Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance: Books 1 - 5: Chosen, Vanished, Scorned, Inflicted, & Empowered (Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance Collection) - Kindle edition by Cope, Katrina. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance: Books 1 - 5: Chosen, Vanished .
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