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    Royal Rebel (Alfheim Academy Book 3) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Royal Rebel (Alfheim Academy Book 3) (English Edition). Aura Nilssen’s life hasn’t gone at all according to plan. She’s the unwitting heir to a tainted throne, the recipient of not one but two unwanted legacies, and she’s on the hit list of every dark realm in the cosmos. But with weeks to go before her graduation from Alfheim Academy and official coronation as Queen, the reluctant royal thinks she can finally take a breath.She should have known better.When her allies’ borders are breached, Aura knows it’s only a matter of time before Alfheim is attacked. And when dark powers move against her home, Aura and her friends set out to determine exactly who might be strong enough to overpower the light realms. With more than just Alfheim’s future on the line, Aura must decide how much she’s willing to sacrifice for the home she’s grown to love . . . and the warrior who’s claimed her heart.

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