Beschreibung The conversion: A conversation with myself. A process of conversion involves a profound change in the consciousness, emotion, behavior, body and spirit of the human being or convert. The process of conversion can be structured epistemologically into an external formal change and an internal normative change. An internal normative change aims at a change of values, qualities, preferences and behavior. A formal change is necessary to achieve group identification and communication.In our opinion, in order to be able to move towards a normative change, the emotional development of the person is necessary. An external formal change requires knowledge of history, laws and customs. These texts give us an idea of the main aspects of emotional development from a Jewish point of view.From a holistic perspective the historical meaning or reason for spiritual emotional conversion is one of the main objectives in life. Since our life has purpose and one of the main purposes is our growth.As we learned from our teachers and have tried to describe in the following texts it is that we only act out of free will when we are conscious. Most of the time we react automatically due to our conditioning, there G-d decides, we mean there we are touched by destiny or chance. That is why the Torah teaches that it is important to develop consciousness, knowledge and emotionally and spiritually, so that our decisions in life are rational choices based on our reasoning and knowledge, considering the natural laws of cause and effect. This is a very important teaching that we have learned from Judaism.
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