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    The Split Path Spark (Easterwood Unfolding, Band 1)

    Beschreibung The Split Path Spark (Easterwood Unfolding, Band 1). When her family's empire is ruined, a young girl sets out to win the bounty on a thief's head. Can she succeed before he steals her life?Grace doesn't know it, but she's at the epicenter of the most delicate balance of power in fifty years.  Doing nothing.  She's stuck indoors learning to levitate beans with an obnoxious meerkat.Even still, she's garnering attention as she develops her talents, and not all of it's welcome.  Soon she has to deal with a mysterious thief, reclaim her family fortune, avoid the creepy school bully, and stop a war.  All before the clock strikes six.She needs to find a way to keep everything she loves safe, and time is running out...With a cast of lively characters, a load of magic, and a dash of mystery, The Split Path Spark is the start of a thrilling new young adult fantasy series from the soon to be bestselling author C.L. Van Liew.  If you're ready for a book that you won't be able to put down, click the Buy Now button.A fun fantasy adventure that is accessible for younger readers while also keeping older audiences thoroughly entertained! - Amazon ReviewThis is a great easy read. Something that is perfect for children but adults will also enjoy it as well. I can imagine reading this to my granddaughter before bed every night and her asking me "one more chapter please"....as we create our own fantasy adventure! - Amazon ReviewFans of young adult fantasy like Harry Potter, Neil Gaiman's fantasy books, Chris Colfers Land of Stories, Madeline L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, C.S. Lewis's fantasy, The Chronicles of Narnia, Victoria Schwab's young adult adventure fantasy City of Ghosts, Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass, Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl, Cornelia Funke's Inkheart, The Secret Lake, Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities The Neverending Story, Disney's Enchanted and Descendants, and middle grade and juvenile fiction of all types will love this story where worlds collide.Shelve With:Middle grade fictionFairy books for 8-12 year oldsMagical books for kidsFantasy books for kidsMagical adventures for girls

    Buch The Split Path Spark (Easterwood Unfolding, Band 1) PDF ePub

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