Beschreibung Vine Gate (The Elements of Kamdaria Book 7) (English Edition). Talise’s spiritual journey is complete, but the enemy is more powerful than ever.Rivers have been drained and forests burned to the ground, all in the name of change. Despite her own desire for change, the current destruction could wipe out entire cities if it continues. To stop it, she must steal a priceless artifact.But with such a powerful enemy, even a simple heist could end in death. She must hide her soldiers. She must ask for help from someone who might hate her. She must train like she’s never trained before. Even then, she knows she’s walking into a trap.If she succeeds, Kamdaria will be safe again. And if she fails, her life won’t be the only one that is lost.Vine Gate is Episode 7 of The Elements of Kamdaria. Don't miss the other books in this novella series.Episode 1: Ice CrownEpisode 2: Wind CrownEpisode 3: Dust CrownEpisode 4: Flame CrownEpisode 5: River GateEpisode 6: Smoke GateEpisode 7: Vine GateEpisode 8: Ember GateEpisode 9: Water StormEpisode 10: Air StormEpisode 11: Earth StormEpisode 12: Fire StormThese books are also available in bundles! Check out the titles below:Episodes 1-4: The Elements of the CrownEpisodes 5-8: The Elements of the GateEpisodes 9-12: The Elements of the StormScroll up to download Vine Gate today!
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