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    To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book 1) (English Edition). Every young woman dreams of marrying a king.Everyone except for me.Because the king I am to wed has razor sharp fangs and a thirst for blood.All my life I knew I’d come of age during the Hundred Year Reaping. According to the ridiculous treaty, two human girls are sent to the faelands as brides for the fearsome fae king and his devilish younger brother.Not me. I was supposed to be safe. Two girls were chosen from my village already. But when they are executed for offending the king, my sister and I are sent in their place.What a mess. Then again, maybe it’s not so bad. The younger brother I’m paired with doesn’t seem as monstrous as I’d expected. He’s delightfully handsome too. But nothing compares to the chilling, dangerous beauty of the fae king. And when my sister flees the castle and her terrifying husband-to-be, I’m left to marry him instead.If I go through with this, I might not survive my wedding night. If I don’t, no one is safe, neither human nor fae. An ancient war will return, bringing devastation we haven’t seen in a thousand years. Can I sacrifice myself for the good of my people? Or will a dangerous desire be the death of me first?If I don’t lose my heart, the king will certainly lose his. I’ll carve it out with an iron blade if I have to.To Carve a Fae Heart is an enemies-to-lovers fantasy, perfect for fans of The Cruel Prince, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and The Iron King. If you like snarky fae, brooding fae royals, sizzling romance, and fierce heroines, you'll love this breathtaking fae fantasy.To Carve a Fae Heart is Book One in The Fair Isle Trilogy. Continue to story with book two, To Wear a Fae Crown!*This series is Upper YA/NA, intended for a mature audiences. It contains sexual situations, moderate steam, and some violence. 

    Buch To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book 1) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book 1 ~ To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: Odette, Tessonja: : Kindle-Shop

    [PDF] [EPUB] To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy ~ To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy, #1) by Tessonja Odette – eBook Details . Before you start Complete To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy, #1) PDF EPUB by Tessonja Odette Download, you can read below technical ebook details: Full Book Name: To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy, #1) Author Name: Tessonja Odette; Book Genre: Fae, Fairies, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Young .

    To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy, Band 1 ~ To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy, Band 1) / Odette, Tessonja / ISBN: 9780578688046 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Read To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy #1)(15 ~ To Carve a Fae Heart (The Fair Isle Trilogy #1)(15) Author: Tessonja Odette. She lets out a heavy sigh. “But it doesn’t match the dress.” “Neither does getting glamoured.” “That makes no sense, Evie. Besides, it’s not like I’ll do anything that will put me in a position to get glamoured. I know how to blink. I’m not stupid.” “I know you’re not.” She wasn’t stupid .

    : To Spark a Fae War (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book ~ To Spark a Fae War is the final book in The Fair Isle Trilogy. Start with book one, To Carve a Fae Heart, and continue with book two, To Wear a Fae Crown. *To Spark a Fae War is an upper YA/NA book intended for mature audiences. It contains sexual situations, moderate steam, violence, and gore.

    To Wear a Fae Crown (The Fair Isle Trilogy Book 2) Kindle ~ To Wear a Fae Crown is a dark fae fantasy, perfect for fans of The Cruel Prince, ACOTAR, and The Iron King. If you like snarky fae, brooding fae royals, sizzling romance, and fierce heroines, you'll love this breathtaking tale. To Wear a Fae Crown is Book Two in The Fair Isle Trilogy. Start with Book One, To Carve a Fae Heart.

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