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    The Witch of Belle Fleur: YA Fantasy (Destroyer Witch Chronicles, Band 1)

    Beschreibung The Witch of Belle Fleur: YA Fantasy (Destroyer Witch Chronicles, Band 1). Magic was never part of her plan. But you know what they say about plans…Juliette Mariana Fontaine has a secret, and it’s not about spoilers on the telenovela in which she stars. There’s magic in the air around her, and she can’t decide if it excites her or frightens her – or both. All she knows is that she can’t tell anyone, not her ailing auntie, or even her best friend.Victor Hernandez, Juliette’s best friend, also has a secret or two. Not only is he a witch, but he’s been tasked with protecting her and keeping her in the dark as much as possible. With Juliette’s aunt’s health declining rapidly, and Victor leaving for college soon, the time for honesty is running out.To make matters worse, magic has awakened in their little swamp town, bringing with it an ancient evil lurking in the shadows, seeking a human soul. Unfortunately, it has settled on Juliette as the perfect match. Struggling to balance her magic, Juliette must face difficult truths about herself, her feelings for Victor, and the price she’ll pay if she claims her power. Can Juliette come to terms with who she is in time to save herself and everyone she loves?

    Buch The Witch of Belle Fleur: YA Fantasy (Destroyer Witch Chronicles, Band 1) PDF ePub

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