Beschreibung The Complete Fairy Books (Vol.1-12): 400+ Stories in One Edition (English Edition). e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited Andrew Lang's Complete Fairy Book Collection of classic fairytales, myths and folk tales. This epic collection includes the tales from Norse mythology, Arabian Nights, myths of American Indians, Australian Bushmen and African Kaffirs. The collections presents the greatest French, Spanish, Russian, Danish, Norwegian fairytales, Sicilian traditional tales, as well as stories from Persia, Lapland, Brazil, India, Romania, Serbia, Japan, China, Lithuania, Africa and Portugal…among others. Content:The Blue Fairy BookThe Red Fairy BookThe Green Fairy BookThe Yellow Fairy BookThe Pink Fairy BookThe Grey Fairy BookThe Violet Fairy BookThe Crimson Fairy BookThe Brown Fairy BookThe Orange Fairy BookThe Olive Fairy BookThe Lilac Fairy Book
Welcome to the online fairy tales page - World of Tales ~ The Blue Fairy Book. Notes: The first of a collection of twelve fairy tale books, gathered by Andrew Lang from various sources. Published in 1889, the Blue Fairy Book contains 37 bedtime stories to read online. Author: Various Editor: Andrew Lang Published: 1889 Publisher: Langmans, Green, and Co., London; New York
The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies: Barker, Cicely ~ As it is, if you want ALL pictures and poems in one book, and can't afford the first edition - which is v expensive to acquire, but I assume has them all) you have to buy editions of the '60s and 70s - before the 1985 Blackie edns (the '85 Blackie edn of 'summer' has a lot of omissions..I don't know about the others) These earlier edns do have ALL pictures and poems but have cropped the .
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