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    A Child's History of England: All New Illustrated

    Beschreibung A Child's History of England: All New Illustrated. Dickens’ first and one of his finest, The Pickwick Papers is admittedly more a loose collection of stories than a traditional novel. However, the stories do center around one Mr. Samuel Pickwick: an exuberant old gentleman who gallivants around England with fellow members of his very own “Pickwick Club.” The Pickwick Club is firmly committed to scientific exploration — i.e. visiting as much of the southern countryside as possible. Along the way they meet many unusual figures, imbibe large quantities of alcohol, and become entangled in a number of sticky situations that nevertheless always seem to work themselves out.From the wise words of Pickwick’s street-smart valet to the wild tales of a ubiquitous charlatan, the stories within these stories demonstrate Dickens’ ability to juggle countless plots while still holding fast to readers’ attentions. The Pickwick Papers also established many of Dickens’ trademark story elements: the comic and ironic situations, the quintessentially English settings, and the ensemble cast of some rather memorably named characters (including the likes of “Augustus Snodgrass” and “Alfred Jingle”).

    Buch A Child's History of England: All New Illustrated PDF ePub

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    Marie Adelaide Belloc Lowndes – Wikipedia ~ Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Rayner Lowndes, geborene Belloc (* 5.August 1868 in Marylebone, London, Vereinigtes Königreich; † 14. November 1947 in Eversley Cross, Hampshire, Vereinigtes Königreich) war eine englische Romanschriftstellerin und Drehbuchautorin.. Belloc Lowndes schrieb von 1898 bis zu ihrem Tod im Jahresrhythmus Bücher, in denen sie aufregende Vorfälle mit psychologischen .

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