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    The Popcorn House : Teamwork Makes The Dream Work (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Popcorn House : Teamwork Makes The Dream Work (English Edition). Meet cousins, Zion and Neveah, who after a typical visit to their grandparent's home, become lost and embark on a whirlwind adventure to the magical land of Kalaira. This leads them to a quest to defeat Panjiro and the K-bots, who are the gatekeeper guardians of The Popcorn House. Come and meet the new friends they have made along the way, such as the magical fairy Ladybug, Mystic Royal the Ruler of Kalaria, their pink fuzzy friends Donny-Dallas and Jellibo.The Popcorn House is a community book that captures the imagination of 30 young authors age 7-12 years old, who dared to dream of its ideas and concepts, created to counter the representation gap between black and brown main characters in children's stories. A special thanks to our seed donors, who financially supported the Look Like Me Book Challenge and enabled us to manifest this book to reality, fuelled by a belief in its potential.

    Buch The Popcorn House : Teamwork Makes The Dream Work (English Edition) PDF ePub

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