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    Myths of the Cherokee: Complete With Classic Illustrations (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Myths of the Cherokee: Complete With Classic Illustrations (English Edition). Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney, 1900.The aim of this book is to present a complete and entertaining account of Grecian and Roman mythology in such a manner that the student will appreciate its great influence upon literature and art.These myths, an inexhaustible fund of inspiration for the poets and artists of the past, have also inspired many noted modern works. To impress this fact forcibly upon the student, appropriate quotations from the poetical writings of all ages, from Hesiod’s “Works and Days,” to Tennyson’s “Œnone,” have been inserted in the text, while reproductions of ancient masterpieces and noted examples of modern painting and sculpture are plentifully used as illustrations.The myths are told as graphically and accurately as possible, great care being taken, however, to avoid the more repulsive features of heathen mythology; and when two or more versions of the same myth occur, the preference has invariably been given to the most popular, that is to say, to the one which has inspired the greatest works.Both the Latin and the Greek forms of proper names are given, but the Latin names are usually retained throughout the narrative, because more frequently used in poetry and art.The closing chapter includes an analysis of myths by the light of philology and comparative mythology, and the philological explanation of the stories related in the preceding chapters.A map, genealogical table, and complete glossary and index adapt this little volume for constant use in the library and art gallery, at home and abroad.

    Buch Myths of the Cherokee: Complete With Classic Illustrations (English Edition) PDF ePub

    James Mooney - : Online Shopping for Electronics ~ Myths of the Cherokee: Classic Edition Annotated Illustrations Aug 22, 2020. by James Mooney $1.99. This book is one of the better books on the history of the Cherokee. It is by far the best history that I have read concerning the cherokee. I purchased a copy twenty years or so ago and have used it for research and reference ever since. I purchased this copy for my son and his wife to use as a .

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