Beschreibung But First Alhumdulillah: A Little Muslim's Gratitude Journal. This book has more than 90 days of gratitude prompts for your child, so that being thankful can become a constant habit for them. It will allow them to get creative by drawing, coloring and filling in the blanks to see all that Allah has blessed them with!It contains quranic verses, gratitude activities, over 75 writing prompts and more.
A Muslims Mini Gratitude Journal by Ayiena # ~ The Muslims Mini Gratitude Journal is available in both digital ($7) and printed ($10-$25) form, it can be purchased from and shipping charges depend on your location. Besides PayPal, they also accept payments through other methods, which you can check with them.
Start with Bismillah - End with Alhamdulillah: Muslim ~ MUSLIM NOTEBOOK, PLANNER, JOURNAL, DIARY. In practical 6" x 9" size, convenient to keep in your pocket or backpack, for school, home or work. Use it to record your Duʿā', prayer and Muslim studies, for your hajj pilgrimage, for writing thoughts of gratitude, for your Quran reflections, for self-reflection, your to-do lists, for planning new projects, for your organization, for your best .
Tips for Keeping a Gratitude Journal - Greater Good ~ Learn more about gratitude journals by participating in the GGSC's online, shareable gratitude journal, Thnx4. In looking over this list, what strikes me is how keeping a gratitude journal—or perhaps the entire experience of gratitude—is really about forcing ourselves to pay attention to the good things in life we’d otherwise take for granted.
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